Small Victories...

The new website is up. Click here to check it out. Any feedback would be helpful; I know it's not great but since it's only my 2nd site I could sure use some ideas.

It's only been up for 1 day, and already I've had queries to both volunteer and sponsor houses.

It's been a productive day both in terms of securing funding and establishing contacts.

On a random note, the building owner here has bought 3 deer.


As in Bambi.

We are in the middle of the city, surrounded by apartment building packed in close together, like branches in a rainforest fighting it out for space. Each square foot is so packed with people that you can almost see air move as it rushes to fill the gaps that miraculously appear between sweaty, congestion-stained bodies.

And yet there are 3 deer in the middle of all this.

3 deer. I keep saying but I still can't believe it...


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