
As the work continues to increase, the blog posts lessen...

I've been thinking a lot about priorities recently; about my own, my organisation's, those of the country in which I now live, my "home" country... What is it that we value most, what do we place importance on, where do we expend most of our energy, place our focus, give our attention?

Do I/We have a clear purpose or goal?  Or do we wander aimlessly...

In Bangladesh there is currently no official Government... though Independence was gained largely on the back of a populist movement supporting the linguistic and cultural differences of the country compared to the rest of the region, there has been little to no signs of transferring this national pride into sustainable leadership and growth.

Corruption is still rampant, although much more difficult to work with as the caretaker Government's crackdowns on illegal activities have simply blurred the lines of who needs to be paid in order to get things done...

Richard has a great blog entry regarding the news around town... I can attest to their authenticity, it's a great and at times horrifying read...

Apologies for being all over the place on this blog, it's been a long week... again...

On another note;
Happy Australia Day to all.

We had a great weekend; doing nothing, eating a lot of pizza, sausages and potatoes.

Life is beautiful.

Blogged with Flock


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