
This is from a few days ago...

It's 8 in the morning. We're in a 3m x 6m room. The air-conditioning is Spartan-like in its efforts to cool the room.

It's really heating up now, the air is thick with smog and sweat. Ramadan has slowed the population down; the pace of life will only increase between 5pm and 6pm, in time for Iftahar.

We're in class trying to learn Bangla. As a group we're finding it difficult, but we plow through regardless. I'm feeling somewhat frustrated at my skill level. I love the friendliness and directness of people who have the courage to approach and ask me questions. I just wish I could converse for more than 20 minutes in Bangla.

Although I have only seen a little of this city and very little of this country, I can understand how people fall in love with this crazy place.


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