This story was published internally. Not my best work, by far, nevertheless... On the 15 th of November, 2007, Bangladesh became the centre of the world’s attention, if only briefly, as Cyclone Sidr, with winds of up to 150 mph, swept through the poorest areas of the poorest country in the world. This has been a d evastating year for Bangladesh . Two ma jor floods, only a few months apart, had crippled much of the country’s precious agricultural reso urces. Homes had been damaged and destroyed, villagers displaced, lives lost. Land, cattle, belongings, security had been stripped from those who could least afford it. On the 24th of November, Habitat for Humanity International – Bangladesh dispatched an Assessment Team to Patuakhali District, one of the worst affected, in order to determine the possi ble responses and partnerships which could take place. The impact of the cyclone was clear; houses either overturned or completely destroyed, rickshaws trampled as if ...