Be About It...
Response to Tory Shepherd's article on ThePunch. Oh Tory. You call bullshit… let me start this with three words as well. Please call me. Three little, simple words, written by my friend and colleague from an ocean and a continent away. In under 10 seconds, he had posted a message to me on Facebook and I had replied and made contact by phone. If this doesn’t rank as one of the most boring stories ever published, I’d be surprised. And yet this is an extraordinary leap in technological capability, which even a decade ago was not so simple, which 15 years ago was definitely more complicated, more convoluted, far more frustrating and difficult a task. My friend was in Iligan, Philippines. A tropical storm had hit the islands and destroyed the home base of our Philippine branch of the not for profit we run. It had also, tragically, destroyed his home village. In a very short timeframe, we managed to coordinate a funds transfer, donation requ...