Growing Up... sort of...

I always wondered when and how it would happen... That moment when I would "leave my childish ways behind", so to speak.

I'm in a developing country, well, more honestly it is an extremely underdeveloped country, working hard on quite serious projects within an NGO which has a large international presence and reputation, living with similar professionals, all with outstanding academic backgrounds and equally impressive positions. We have been chosen to represent the country as "Youth Ambassadors", and have been placed in one of the most challenging countries possible.

And yet I still count the hours until I get a chance to play a little ball... I still miss my car, with its dvd and entertainment system... I miss my clothes, my books, my xbox... I think about when the latest NBA Live game is being released... I see a motorcycle in the street and am constantly tempted to get one over here...

So exactly when do I grow up? Or have I just been under the wrong impression all along; growing up doesn't mean your love for certain things diminishes. Rather your capacity to take on new things becomes more intricate, perhaps more interesting.

I am currently going over a grant application I put together over the last 2 days. Honestly, I find myself surprised at its quality. I've mentioned it before, I was quite worried during the trip over here that I may not have the skills necessary to do this job...

And yet, today I can confidently say "I Got This."

On a side note, I'm coming home for Christmas. My hometown, San Antonio, not Canberra... I just really miss my family.


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